CTEVT Diploma Level Special Chance Exam Updated Routine 2081
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent Notice Regarding Diploma/Certificate Level Special Chance (Partial) Exam Schedule and Exam Centers
This notice is published to inform all concerned that, according to the notice published in the national daily newspaper on 2060/10/10 BS regarding filling out the exam application form, the special chance (partial) examination for students registered up to the academic session 2072/073 (2015 AD) who have filled out the exam application form will be conducted as per the examination schedule mentioned below.
The examination covers:
- Diploma level engineering and various programs' first year first part, second year first part, and third year first part under the semester exam system.
- Health, nursing, agriculture, and forestry programs' first year, second year, and third year under the annual system.
(1) No further arrangements will be made for students who are absent from the examination or miss the examination for any reason according to the above program.
(2) After the completion of theoretical exams, practical exams will be conducted at the respective institutions. The concerned educational institutions must prepare the practical exam schedule, get it approved by the respective province office, and then conduct the exams.
(3) Log books/Psychometric charts can be brought to the examination hall only with the inspector's permission.
(4) The examination will not be postponed even if an unexpected holiday occurs without prior notice from the council.
(5) Students must take the exam only at the designated exam center. Changing the exam center is not allowed.
(6) If the exam schedule overlaps or any exam is missed, students must contact the Examination Control Office within 7 days of the notice publication date.
Since application forms have only been submitted for the highlighted subjects in the schedule, students who have filled out forms but find that their subjects are missing should contact the province office.
(First published on 2081/04/18 BS)